NCPE Statement of Principles
True equality for the millions of women and minorities
in the work force will not be achieved until there
is pay equity.
Achievement of pay equity will benefit millions of
households, particularly the growing number headed
by women.
The drive for implementation of pay equity must be
seen as reversal of a historical pattern of devaluing
work done by women and minorities.
While it is crucial that all occupations be open to
women and minorities, efforts must continue to find
solutions to the problems of workers in female-and-minority-dominated
Pay equity is an intrinsic part of the goal of Title
VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and of the Equal
Rights Amendment.
are no formal dues collected for membership at this
time. If you want to become a member
of NCPE, you must print and sign this document, which
attests that you or the organization you represent adheres
to the above Principles, then send an image to:
Membership Categories:
_____Voting Member (trade unions or other workforce organizations or women's/minority/civil rights organizations -- represented by a designated contact person -- that endorse the NCPE Principles)
_____Associate Member (non-voting groups or individuals who adhere to Principles); please identify the sector that you represent:
_______ Supporting (Business/Professional Organization)
_______ Governmental
_______ Individual
Name of
organization or individual:
contact person (if organization):
Address ____________________________________________________________
address _______________________________________________________
Phone ___________________________
FAX ____________________________
Signature ___________________________________________________________
Date ______________________________________________________________ |